Russian Empire indeed had its own problems, and most people today believe the overthrow of the Tzar was necessary. The revolution was initially democratic, we could go western liberal way, but communists quickly seized the power from the legitimate Provisional Government, silenced the opposition and started their bloody experiment over the country.
But I don't think totalitarian regime was an expected outcome of economic problems Russia had. Russians are distinct from the Western people in that they are accustomed to obey, they often idolize their lords, be it a Tzar or a communist party. Low self-esteem, fatalism, political illiteracy, lack of independence - it's an outcome of centuries of slavery. Unfortunately we don't value freedom, this is why we don't have much of it. Even today most people don't care about democracy, or we wouldn't tolerate this ultra-conservative militarist clique that sits in Kremlin for 20 years. Americans are not like that, you were always an exemplary society for the conscious part of us. So it's surprising to me to hear that your country is doomed or something.
Of course some of us have somewhat similar pessimistic views here: economic stagnation for many years, corruption, far-right propaganda, unhealthy political atmosphere. But troops are not patrolling the streets, no shootings, no mass arrests. You can even relatively safely criticize the regime if you don't attack anyone personally. People will not riot, because no one wants October 1917 again.
Personally I think that you don't have to be wealthy to live a happy fullfilling life, freedom is basically all you need. Probably it's a consumer mindset that makes us feel worse about ourselves, plus social media pressure. I observe that most people are unhappy not because they don't have 'basics', but because they don't correspond to some made-up ideals and advertising simulacra. We should resist that, we should be proud of what we are. Inequality is inevitable in a free society, because people don't have the same abilities and talents. It is dangerous to demand equality, the Soviet experience proves that.