For us residents of non-free world, all Western people are privileged, be they white or not. Stop concentrating on your emotions and think about the rest of the humanity outside of USA. Terrible things are happening right now, innocent people are literally being tortured and killed for demanding democracy and fair elections in Belarus. Entire ethnic group is openly opressed by government in China, people are being sent to labor camps in North Korea. In Russia you can be shot or poisoned or otherwise punished for engaging in opposition politics. Yet the worst evil are middle-class whites for seemingly not being friendly enough to other races. I don't understand this. You want all people around the globe to sympathize American blacks while we have problems hundred times worse than yours?
For us, you are blessed already that you live in a free country where officials won't jail you for openly discussing social issues. We are concerned that racial supremacy ideas and and far-right movements still exist (and we unfortunately have them, too), but to label all whites worldwide as racists, claim we are privileged somehow, and demand apologies? Mind your business, discuss your society's problems, but don't you dare to insult people from other countries. This is absolutely unacceptable. You don't know us and can't even imagine what we face every day. America's problems are America's problems, do not involve the rest of the world into them.